Friday, February 15, 2008

Tragedy strikes a college campus...yet again

Northern Illinois University's website currently features information on the tragedy that occured yesterday. Former NIU student Stephan Kazmierczak, 27, killed five students while injuring 16 others. Classes have been canceled through the weekend, as well as sporting events. The website includes important information about the tragedy, such as the latest information, vigils, important phone numbers, counceling information, and support from the community.
This is great crisis control on behalf of the university. It shows that this is a very serious matter, and all this information is rezdily available to those affected by the tragedy. The layout of the page is simple, which I think is appropriate and show's their sorrows. There are no pictures on the page, except for the black ribbon. It is also a good step in not having pictures of the victims killed on their website. By not featuring pictures, it allows the families to grieve in peace. Previous to this event, I had never been to the NIU website, but at the bery bottom of the page are links to information that I am guessing is on their homepage on any other given day.

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