Thursday, January 31, 2008

Will shining stars shine some votes on canidates?

It is the most popular website today Perez Hilton, Many young Americans religiously visit this website on a daily basis. With the latest news and pictures of celebrities, America is becoming obsessed with the lives of the stars. Why wouldn't one be intrigued by the lives of actors whom star in one's favorite movies? Movies are entertainment; a leisure that allows you to relax. With that said, the lives of these celebrities seem to be entertanment as well. As a young adult myself, celebrity news has bcome a beacon for eliminating the stress of school or work. These stars have become not only culturally iconic, but politically iconic as well.
With the 2008 Presidential Elections right around the corner, what better way to attract young voters to a campaign than to get a celebrity on board.
Young voters are, after all, the biggest target, for we are the ones who can and will mold the future of our dear country. However, many do not like the fact that politicians are parading celebrities around. Because celebrities are the biggest icons of today's society, many are easily persuaded to vote for whoever their favorite celebrities are campaigning for.
Is that moral?
Many will argue that politicians using their Hollywood friends as celebrity endorsments is just a harmless way to gain publicity. They can forget the extra news release or press conference because with their celebrity endorser they will reach extra demographics on entertainment websites and television stations such as E!, You can really gain some votes if you have Oprah on your campaign trail, as Barack Obama has done. The most powerful woman in America has potential power to leer many indecisive voters towards Obama While opposing democratic canidate, Hilary Clinton, has older celebrities backing her campaign, as mentioned in the CNN clip above.
Either way, I recommend everyone to be their own person and make their own decisions. Be smart, research the viewpoints of each canidate. You are the future, and whoever you vote for will be too.

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