Thursday, January 31, 2008

Victoria's DIRTY Seceret

The Victoria's Dirty Secret Tour is a campaign put on by an organization known as "Free The Planet!". This campaign is an effort to stop the destruction of forests; the campaign aims their target at the popular women's clothing store Victoria's Secret. Supposedly Victoria's Secret is one of the leading retailers in the catalog industry. They reportedly mail approximately 395 million catalogs every year printed on paper made from the Boreal endangered forest in Canada.

The campaign is touring across the United States to different univ
ersity campuses to inform students and community members about their efforts against Victoria's Secret and protecting the wilderness areas. The campaign's goal is for students to reach out to Victoria's Secret consumers and employees to educate them about the harm they're doing to our forests. Students are sending back Victoria's Secret catalogs, helping get the forest destruction in the media to "expose Victoria's Dirty Secret," as well as sending letters and phone calls to the company's CEOs to make a difference.

This campaign is a
great example of how through this campaign Victoria's Secret is getting free advertising as well as getting their name out into the public. Although in this case the advertising and publicity is not a good thing for the company. I think that "Free The Planet!" is doing a great job of making their point and attempting to help efforts towards stopping the destruction of forests. The tour to university campuses across the country is another great technique because our youth is always looking to get involved in something to help make a difference for our environment, especially recently. The campaign was smart to reach out to students to do the work for them, or at least help them do the work in larger numbers. Although this may be a blow to the extremely popular Victoria's Secret, it is still publicity for the company, and it's publicity that they are doing virtually nothing to receive.

For more information about the campaign click Free The Planet! to visit their website.

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