Thursday, January 31, 2008

Death Becomes Him

For many, death means an everlasting peace; if you are a celebrity, it means weeks and weeks of posthumous speculation.

Heath Ledger's death came as a shock to movie watchers and pop culture followers around the globe. He became the subject of the "text message hear around the world". I received four text messages in three minutes speaking of the same thing, the untimely passing of Hollywood's rising star, Heath Andrew Ledger. 

In the days following his death, the typical media circus began. It can only be expected in these times when all it takes for something to be newsworthy is whether there was [insert illicit drug here] involved or not. Reports on Ledger's drug habits evolved in a matter of days, creating a nightmare for his PR firm. 

Represented by ID PR, Ledger's death did not end his contract with this firm. If anything, his death became their greatest PR challenge. Their latest efforts to preserve Ledger's name came as Entertainment Tonight announced they would be releasing a scathing video portraying Ledger talking about and doing drugs. The PR firm, along with Ledger's family and friends have been fighting to keep his image from being forever tainted. For this reason, the show decided to pull the video from its line up. However, this gesture does not prevent the public from continuing to speculate about the actor's recreational habits.

It goes without saying that Ledger will remain in the news until one of two things happens first: 1) Reports confirm Ledger was a raging drug addict 2) the media finds another celebrity to psychoanalyze for the next few weeks.

Now as sick as this intrusion of privacy may be, it goes without saying that Ledger's celebrity increased ten-fold with his death. Already a respectable actor in his own right, it was his death that can be directly attributed to the spike in video rentals starring the dead actor. Beyond that, everyone will be clamoring to see the actor's last role as "The Joker" in the next installment of the Batman series. 

It is unfortunate that such a talented young man should be reduced to a caricature of himself. His death becomes his identity , and with it comes a barrage of media coverage. Morally it appears damaging, but the truth is Heath Ledger has probably never been more popular, not even after his oscar nomination. This tragic death and ensuing PR nightmare has undoubtedly turned into Heath Ledger's greatest ad campaign. 

1 comment:

W. Bamson said...

I knew you were a Heath Ledger fan!