Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Great technological advances are no longer only a tool for the elites of society, but has become available to everyone. Technology has permeated every aspect of our lives. We can access the internet from home, office, school, our cars and even while walking around downtown. In this day and age, it is likely that before you get home you will have already known the days headlines before turning on our T.V. Blogging and product leaking has become a new marketing practice. Countless companies have done this. I think the companies that have mastered this practice are Apple and Blackberry. Although Apple has run numerous T.V. ads and Blackberry has aired some commercials in North America, most of the buzz and hype about their products began online with blogs like Boy Genius Report and Engadget. In the past there was buzz over the Blackberry 8320, which was one of the first to have Wi-Fi. Boy Genius bloggers hopped on this story the second it became available and created the buzz. From that point on there was specutlation over when it would become available and which wireless provider would be lucky enough to launch the product. This buzz is great for the company and the product and at times works even better than commercials. Blackberry has used limited commercials and with free publicity like this, why would they even want to spend all that money. The availability of internet on computers and phones makes blogs a very important piece in the marketing mix.

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