Monday, January 28, 2008

Bizarro Buzz

Some media events can lead to fantastic promotional advantages for an event or competition, and that promotion can come in many forms. In this article from the National Public Radio (NPR) news site, a Brazilian model named Angela Bizmarchi opts for plastic surgery to alter the appearance of her eyes, making them appear like that of a Japanese person. She's undergoing this extreme procedure as a way of gaining publicity for her competitive samba group and the dance that will take place at the next Brazilian Carnival. But where's the connection? She's having the surgery as way of honoring the great influx of Japanese immigration to Brazil. Bizmarchi has already gained fame for her numerous plastic surgery procedures, having undergone over 4o procedures and vying for the Guinness World Record. 
NPR's audiences are captured initially by the "news of the weird" quality of the article. A woman's face being abnormally stretched by an unseen doctor's hands. It's a subject some readers would immediately find intriguing and read simply because they cannot look away.This article is found near the celebrity gossip section of the site, alongside links to red carpet fashions and celebrity updates. 
Angela Bismarchi's decision to undergo such a bizarre surgical procedure brings a huge amount of media coverage, but it is not free of flaws. It is extreme enough to grab an audience's attention, but the article does not name Bismarchi's dance troupe or any details of the Carnival. When or where is the festival being held? If interested, the reader could simply perform a quick Google search to find any of these answers.  Another concern is whether or not Brazilian Carnival appreciates this kind of media coverage. Considering Carnival is Brazil's Mardi Gras, a yearly festival held 40 days before Lent, it is doubtful the festival would be concerned about maintaining high standards of respectability. So in this case, the affiliated groups are safe from being offended by such an article. 

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