Thursday, January 31, 2008

Can Cocaine Vaccine stop Cocaine addiction?

For husband and wife, Tom and Therese Kosten have dreamed about finding a cure for addicts who struggle with addictions like cocaine, methamphetamine and nicotine. In their study at Baylor College of Medicine based in Houston, Texas, they have found a cure or a vaccine that can help stop cocaine addiction. This has been a dream of Tom and Therese for years to find a cure that could help such addictions. "The vaccine, which is based on an inactivated form of the drug, teaches the immune system to fight real cocaine and stops it from getting to the brain and delivering the expected "high." This is a huge step in the medical history. This kind of vaccine can help save people from an addiction problem and help them get clean. "The solution, which seems obvious now, but has taken nearly ten years to perfect, is very clever. Take an inactive cholera toxin protein and attach inactivated cocaine to its surface. This "tricks" the immune system into making antibodies against cocaine. The immune system "sees" the inactivated cholera toxin and also the cocaine pattern and makes antibodies against both substances." The only problem with this vaccine is that it will take years for the US Food and Drug Administration or the FDA to give the go ahead to a phase clinical trial of the vaccine. "All being well, the multi-center study will begin in the spring, although full FDA approval may take several years after that. The trial involves 300 participants in six locations around the US, including Houston." The only problem with this is that the vaccine just like some other medicine might not work on some people. This can cause a concern for some of the addicted people who are doing drugs like cocaine.
I felt like this news release was a well demonstrated news release. It definitely made a good point in its argument about whether the idea of a cocaine vaccine is effective. The news release itself is very effective to me because it has a lot of good solid information. It has what I feel reliable sources. I believe one of the major sources is from the Houston Chronicle newspaper. This news release also informs the public about new medicine being made every day. I know there was an article from the Houston Chronicle about this that informs the public about what new vaccines there are. This news release is more from a health point of view and doctors. How this relates to public relation is because it allows the public to know a different way of quiting addiction problem. It also informs the medicine world as well about what is going on. For example, I read another news release from London that talks about the same information I found in my news release. If you are interested in reading this article from London click on this link: London Cocaine Vaccine. Overall, I felt this was a good news releases. If you would like to look at the news release you can just click on this link: Cocaine Vaccine.

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