Thursday, April 24, 2008

Are the Presidential Candidates Missing Something?

In all of the craziness  that has come about in the Presidential races, there seems to be one topic that has not made it on the national scene. I really don't know what more is a tragedy the fact that no one is talking about the destruction of the Gulf Coast or the fact that in 2005 one of the most powerful storms hit New Orleans, Louisiana.
In a debate that has been about who is more in touch with the problems of the country, it would seem that someone would mention rebuilding the Gulf Coast region. Yes, there was a candidate that did talk about the Gulf Coast, it was John Edwards. Senator Edwards built his campaign on poverty and the moral responsibilities of the country to combat these efforts. 
The real question is all the criticism the national media gave the U.S. Government for ignoring the people and the clean up efforts. Now it seems that the national media has forgotten the Gulf Coast. The campaigns are focusing on Health Care, the Economy, and the War in Iraq. The main arguments the candidates have been trying to make is that they are ready for the crisis moment of their presidency. It seems as though we have a red phone moment in that a city in the United States is devastated. Parts of the Gulf Coast are never going to be the same. People have lost jobs and homes and family members.
May be the Gulf Coast is opportunity for economic stimulus. Maybe the Gulf Coast is the answer to the countries energy crisis, or maybe the moral responsibility of the Country is not being upheld. Maybe if the candidates would stop trying tell the people about how much they can fight for America, or their solutions for change, they could really be in touch and ask the people of the Gulf Coast what they think. You want to talk about change ask the people of the Gulf Coast about how their lives had changed. Ask them how hard they fight every morning trying to piece together lives with little government assistance.

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