Monday, March 17, 2008


The band Radiohead is at it again attempting to revamp the music industry. They were in the spotlight earlier this year for making their latest album, In Rainbows, up for digital download, allowing fans to set the price for their album. This really did change the way people thought about albums and buying music. Although not many other artists have followed suit, they have set the stage for change in the industry.

Now Radiohead, is taking it a step further by allowing fans to create their newest video, from any track on In Rainbows. Fans then get to vote for the best video who will win $10,000 to produce a full length video. The fans then dictate what the next video is; giving the fans control over the cost of the album and videos as well.

So is Radiohead trying to change the industry or are they just letting their fans make their next video to keep them in the news? I think its a mixture of the two. They are trying to give the fans what they want: control over the price of music and control over the next video. However, I don't think they were blind to the fact that these radically different appraoches of selling albums would generate so much publicity. In the end they are trying to get their music out and promote an album. Smart move Radiohead!

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