Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama Related to Brad Pitt...Hillary to Angelina Jolie...Really???

Researchers today at the New England Historic Geneological Society in Boston found a loop that links Democratic presidential nominees Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to the hot couple of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Just like many of you, I sit here and ponder this and wonder who would really care, but just like many of you who probably clicked on the link to check out the story, there has to be a reason for this. The answer is plain and simple...THERE IS NO REASON FOR THIS STORY! After reading the headlines and knowing that both Brad and Angelina are two of the most beautiful people for their genders, I figured this could be a strategic PR push. Will knowing that Barack Obama is related to Brad going to sway people his way, or is knowing Hillary is kin to the stunning Angelina going to do the same for her? Who knows...the article is silly, but it will be funny to see how many people will take it to heart and change their votes based on the geneology of the presidential candidates. I can't wait to see what researchers will come up with next!

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